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Tantric massage

What is a Tantric massage?

In tantra massage there's space for you, just the way you are. I give attention to your entire body with present touch, allowing various emotions and sensations to arise.

The emphasis is on the healing effect. It may include a Lingam (male genitals) or Yoni (female genitals) massage, but this is always agreed separately and requires 120 min time. However, this is not an erotic massage or sex service.

In Tantric massage, only the masseuse touches and it is performed on the client's naked body with oil. Only hands are used for the massage and only the client is naked.

Before starting the massage, we also discuss about your personal boundaries so the treatment proceeds within an agreed framework.

Who is Tantric massage suitable for?

Tantric massage is suitable for everyone who is interested in deepening their body connection and relationship with pleasure. Some people come with body shame, sexual challenges, the desire to be Touched and held in a nurturing way, or the need for deep relaxation. 

I offer Tantric massage only as an individual treatment. If you want to come with your partner, you should make separate appointments.

Experiences of tantric massage:

"I feel very relaxed, but at the same time also energetic"
"The experience was unique"
"Anxiety has greatly eased and the body is no longer in such a tense state as before"
"The blissful feeling continued for many days after the tantric massage"
"I have never been touched with such love and acceptance before"
"It feels like the energy flows and tingles comfortably in different parts of the body"
"I was surprised what kind of emotions I went through during the massage and where on the body your touch evoked them in me"
"The body connection has improved and I don't seek so much approval from outside me anymore. I am more at ease with myself"
"Right from the first meeting, I felt safe, trustful and accepted with her"
"After the massage, the sexual charge stayed on and I could share this with my partner in an unprecedented way"
"The experience was eye-opening. I've never experienced anything like this before."
"My erection has become stronger"
"It was wonderful to be myself, in my own body, without shame or the need to hide. The two energetic orgasms I experienced were really opening"

The appointment calendar is currently closed.

Vedana is having a break until spring 2024.

I don't accept bookings by phone and Anonymous contacts.

If you have any questions, please send email:

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